
Trying to make sense of the exercises you may hear called at an F3 bootcamp? Need something new for your first or 100th Q? You’ve found the place. (You also may want to consult The Lexicon, at least after your first workout, to make sense of what just happened.)

Monkey Humping Goblet Squat

When you need to go ape...with a kettle bell, no better way than with the MHGS. Grab your KB ready for a goblet squat, begin going down to the squat position bending knees / pivoting at hips / keeping back straight and hold, keeping KB in hand transition using only knees and hips to pivot your rear out in a monkey humper then return to squat, rise up to finish the squat and count it as 1. Great as a ladder 10 to 1 or 1 to 10 combined with an upper body exercise (like a bicep curl chest press combo).

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