
Trying to make sense of the exercises you may hear called at an F3 bootcamp? Need something new for your first or 100th Q? You’ve found the place. (You also may want to consult The Lexicon, at least after your first workout, to make sense of what just happened.)

Island Hoppers

Utilize three concrete planters or similar. Starting from the ground in a plank position, bear crawl up onto the first planter/"Island" and continue to bear crawl across the wall to the mid-point of the first planter. Stop and do a predetermined number of Merkins. Continue to the next "Island," and do another set of Merkins. Then proceed to the final "Island," and do another set of Merkins. These planters are of varying heights and widths making your Merkins vary from diamond to regular while challenging you to stay on the walls. Two PAX can start at the same time, thus making the workout truly intense and challenging. Increase or decrease the level of WO by increasing/decreasing the distance on the initial bear crawl before getting on the "Island" or by increasing/decreasing the number of Merkins done at each "Island."

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