
Trying to make sense of the exercises you may hear called at an F3 bootcamp? Need something new for your first or 100th Q? You’ve found the place. (You also may want to consult The Lexicon, at least after your first workout, to make sense of what just happened.)

Aussie Burpees

A groiner with a small hop. Popularized by the very-soon-to-be-eclipsed May 8, 2018 Guiness World Record holder for the most burpees done in 60 minutes by a female. "According to the folks at Guinness World Records, the start position is with hands and feet on the ground in a plank; all Elizabeth Llorente, 37, had to do when she got to the jump position was remove her hands and feet from the ground. So the personal trainer gives a little froglike hop rather than standing up and doing a full jump with arms to the sky; she also skips the pushup element." Can be substituted for 10 counts or stargazers when PAX could use a breather

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