As a mode of travel, use 2 coupons with your wrists through the holes like your arms are full of groceries. ...more
Arms ,Coupon
November 11, 2024•0 min read
Start in high plank position, perform merkin, the tough left knee, merkin, right knee, merkin left foot, merkin, right foot, merkin, stretch left, merkin stretch right, merkin, inch worm back, stand u... ...more
Exicon ,Arms Coupon &Core
November 11, 2024•0 min read
Perform broad jumps while holding a Cindy (coupon), also known as 'Joey in the Pouch.' ...more
Exicon ,Legs &Coupon
October 18, 2024•0 min read
With a Cindy (coupon), bend at the waist and place the Cindy on the ground a foot or two in front of you. Perform a blockee (a burpee using the Cindy followed by a thruster with the Cindy). Rinse and ... ...more
Exicon ,Coupon &Full Body
October 18, 2024•0 min read
With your hands on a horizontally flat Cindy (coupon), position your body as if you were about to Bear Crawl or Murder Bunny, but stay in place and perform a squat. Higher rep count leads to a burner ... ...more
Exicon ,Coupon &Full Body
October 18, 2024•0 min read
Perform a Murder Bunny and after each "hop," remain with hands on Cindy (coupon). Without standing up, perform 5 squats or "Frog Squats." Distance set by Q ...more
Exicon ,Coupon &Full Body
October 18, 2024•0 min read
Murder Bunny exercise performed in a ZigZag route. Murder Bunny out "X" distance set by Q, rotate body and cindy 45 degrees, Murder Bunny out "X" distance set by Q, rotate body and Cindy opposite 45 d... ...more
Exicon ,Coupon &Full Body
October 18, 2024•0 min read
Perform a murder bunny, then execute 3 Groiners (Starting from a pushup/merkin position, thrust your feet forward, landing outside of each hand. Thrust backwards to original position) after each "Hop.... ...more
Exicon ,Coupon &Full Body
October 18, 2024•0 min read
Murder Bunnies performed in the sand (ie - a volleyball court, playground area, beach, etc) ...more
Exicon ,Legs Coupon &Full Body
October 18, 2024•0 min read
Use a bench or a partner's back while they hold a plank position. Extend one leg out roughly 24 inches, with the other leg placed on the bench or your partner’s back. Squat down until your knee is nea... ...more
Exicon ,Legs &Coupon
September 19, 2024•0 min read
Imperial Walker using a cindy/coupon. The pax starts with the cindy overhead. As the pax brings a knee up to their stomach, he lowers the cindy to the down position of an overhead press with a slight ... ...more
Exicon ,Coupon &Full Body
September 16, 2024•0 min read
Everyone remembers Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World: "We're not worthy, we're not worthy." With arms extended outward, lower and raise your arms. Okay, okay, it's a front raise. But this is F3! It's... ...more
Exicon ,Arms Coupon &Core
June 30, 2024•0 min read
Freddy Mercuries while holding up a coupon, rock, or ram. ...more
Exicon ,Coupon &Core
June 30, 2024•0 min read
Grip, Rip, and Roll (GRRs) ...more
Exicon ,Coupon
June 30, 2024•0 min read