Multi-Merkin (M&M)

Multi-Merkin (M&M)

Start in high plank position, perform merkin, the tough left knee, merkin, right knee, merkin left foot, merkin, right foot, merkin, stretch left, merkin stretch right, merkin, inch worm back, stand u... ...more

Exicon ,Arms Coupon &Core

November 11, 20240 min read

Broken Bicycle

Broken Bicycle

Lay on six with leg straight out and hands behind head. Lift torso like doing a crunch while bringing one knee to meet elbows with the other leg remaining straight. Return to original position and rep... ...more

Exicon ,Core

October 18, 20240 min read

The Jeffrey Leonard

The Jeffrey Leonard

Done either on a baseball diamond or with cones set up like bases. PAX lines up single file at home plate and proceeds to sprint out a single, double, triple and home run with a jog back to home in be... ...more

Exicon ,Cardio Routine &Run

October 18, 20240 min read

Abs Are All You Need

Abs Are All You Need

The Q plays "Love is All You Need" by The Beatles. Hold crunch position (supine with elbows and knees touching) throughout the song. Perform Big Boy Sit Up for every "Love" in the song. ...more

Exicon ,Music &Core

October 18, 20240 min read

Killer Roos

Killer Roos

Perform broad jumps while holding a Cindy (coupon), also known as 'Joey in the Pouch.' ...more

Exicon ,Legs &Coupon

October 18, 20240 min read

Triple Pump Squat Jumps

Triple Pump Squat Jumps

Perform a squat, then rise into a calf raise. Lower back down into the squat position, then come up halfway before returning to the squat position again. Finally, jump up to complete a squat jump. ...more

Exicon ,Legs &Cardio

October 18, 20240 min read

Flamingo Merkins

Flamingo Merkins

Bend at the waist, fingers touching your toes. Walk your hands out to a plank position while keeping one leg raised in the air. Perform a merkin, then walk your hands back, lowering your leg to the gr... ...more

Exicon ,Legs Arms &Full Body

October 18, 20240 min read

Inchworm Blockees

Inchworm Blockees

With a Cindy (coupon), bend at the waist and place the Cindy on the ground a foot or two in front of you. Perform a blockee (a burpee using the Cindy followed by a thruster with the Cindy). Rinse and ... ...more

Exicon ,Coupon &Full Body

October 18, 20240 min read

Knockout of Death

Knockout of Death

Performed on a basketball court with two basketballs. PAX line up behind two shooters from the free throw line or 3-point line (Q's choice). P1 shoots and, if made, hustles to get the rebound to pass ... ...more

Exicon ,Routine

October 18, 20241 min read

Frog Squats

Frog Squats

With your hands on a horizontally flat Cindy (coupon), position your body as if you were about to Bear Crawl or Murder Bunny, but stay in place and perform a squat. Higher rep count leads to a burner ... ...more

Exicon ,Coupon &Full Body

October 18, 20240 min read

Necro Bunny

Necro Bunny

Perform a Murder Bunny and after each "hop," remain with hands on Cindy (coupon). Without standing up, perform 5 squats or "Frog Squats." Distance set by Q ...more

Exicon ,Coupon &Full Body

October 18, 20240 min read

Sleeping Bunny

Sleeping Bunny

Murder Bunny exercise performed in a ZigZag route. Murder Bunny out "X" distance set by Q, rotate body and cindy 45 degrees, Murder Bunny out "X" distance set by Q, rotate body and Cindy opposite 45 d... ...more

Exicon ,Coupon &Full Body

October 18, 20240 min read

Energizer Bunnies

Energizer Bunnies

Perform a murder bunny, then execute 3 Groiners (Starting from a pushup/merkin position, thrust your feet forward, landing outside of each hand. Thrust backwards to original position) after each "Hop.... ...more

Exicon ,Coupon &Full Body

October 18, 20240 min read

Beach Bunnies

Beach Bunnies

Murder Bunnies performed in the sand (ie - a volleyball court, playground area, beach, etc) ...more

Exicon ,Legs Coupon &Full Body

October 18, 20240 min read

The Dirty Dog

The Dirty Dog

The Dirty Dog is a leg and core exercise. It is performed by being on all fours and executed one leg at a time. From the starting position the leg is raised to be parallel to the ground and then broug... ...more

Exicon ,Core

October 18, 20240 min read

Bulgarian Split Squat

Bulgarian Split Squat

Use a bench or a partner's back while they hold a plank position. Extend one leg out roughly 24 inches, with the other leg placed on the bench or your partner’s back. Squat down until your knee is nea... ...more

Exicon ,Legs &Coupon

September 19, 20240 min read



A variation of the Monkey Humper, which is a half-squat performed while grabbing the inside of your ankles. In this variation, the exercise is performed on a coupon, bench, or any elevated surface. ...more

Exicon ,Legs &Full Body

September 17, 20240 min read

Lunge Worm

Lunge Worm

Lunge Walk with each leg, then do an inch worm with two Merkins at the bottom before inching back up. When returning to standing position from the inch worm, repeat the full movement until the destina... ...more

Exicon ,Legs Arms &Full Body

September 16, 20240 min read

Earl Fonda

Earl Fonda

You perform the exercise on a 4 count. First count is the upward motion of the jane fonda, second count is the downward motion, but you suspend your leg without touching the ground. The third count is... ...more

Exicon ,Legs Core &Full Body

September 16, 20240 min read

Imperial Blocker

Imperial Blocker

Imperial Walker using a cindy/coupon. The pax starts with the cindy overhead. As the pax brings a knee up to their stomach, he lowers the cindy to the down position of an overhead press with a slight ... ...more

Exicon ,Coupon &Full Body

September 16, 20240 min read

Upper Decker

Upper Decker

Best used with sturdy picnic table or stairs. PAX will step up to the tabletop (two steps) when on top perform one air squat and step down. ...more

Exicon ,Legs

September 16, 20240 min read

Cocaine Bear Crawl

Cocaine Bear Crawl

Bear crawl across a parking lot, stopping at each white line to perform a merkin, bringing your nose to the white line. ...more

Exicon ,Arms &Full Body

September 16, 20240 min read

Popeye Punches

Popeye Punches

popeye punches ...more

Exicon ,Core

September 16, 20240 min read

Zombie Walk

Zombie Walk

A lunge walk over a long distance that causes the PAX to groan and stumble like the Walking Dead. ...more

Exicon ,Legs

June 30, 20240 min read

Zombie Crunch

Zombie Crunch

LBC with both legs bent/laid to one side (like a dead zombie). Then repeat for other side. ...more

Exicon ,Mary &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Zombie Crawl

Zombie Crawl

Start in a plank position and crawl with both legs dragging behind. For an added challenge, try a Zombie Crawl on an incline. ...more

Exicon ,Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Zig-Zag Hops

Zig-Zag Hops

Find a beam, log, or other object to jump over. Start on one side and hop over in a zig-zag fashion from one end to the other. ...more

Exicon ,Legs &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Zebra Butt-Kicks

Zebra Butt-Kicks

The zebra kick is all about the gluteus maximus. From plank, bend your knee to 90 degrees and kick skyward. High reps, imagine your heel busting up the chops of a lioness. ...more

Exicon ,Legs &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Yves Poll

Yves Poll

Yves Poll (pronounced "eves pole" in English) is a term for running backwards or backpedaling. He was a French marathon runner who ran backwards all the time. ...more

Exicon ,Cardio &Run

June 30, 20240 min read



Burpee variation in honor of the Ruskie (Yuri Verkhoshansky), who developed plyometrics to train Olympians: The merkin at the bottom of the burpee is a clap-merkin, and on the up portion, there are tw... ...more

Exicon ,Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Yul Brynner

Yul Brynner

Yul Brynner was an actor in the 1960s movie The Magnificent Seven. The Magnificent Seven Merkins involve progressing through seven different types of merkins without stopping or holding plank between ... ...more

Exicon ,Arms &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Yoke Walk

Yoke Walk

Many different variations with this one, but you'll need something heavy to carry across your shoulders and behind your neck. Can involve a heavy bar for a single pax member or pax can team up with he... ...more

Exicon ,Cardio &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read



XYs ...more

Exicon ,Mary &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Xs and Os

Xs and Os

Xs and Os ...more

Exicon ,Mary &Core

June 30, 20240 min read



X-Factor ...more

Exicon ,Mary &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

X-Cross Sit-up

X-Cross Sit-up

Lie on your back with your legs and arms extended in an 'X' position. On count 1, simultaneously lift your left leg and right arm to meet above your core, keeping both as straight as possible while to... ...more

Exicon ,Mary &Core

June 30, 20241 min read

Wounded Bear Crawl

Wounded Bear Crawl

Wounded Bear Crawl ...more

Exicon ,Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Worst Worst Merkin Ever

Worst Worst Merkin Ever

That’s right, it can ALWAYS be worse! Done in cadence: start with a Crucible Merkin on 1, a Wercan on 2, a regular Merkin on 3, and a Diamond Merkin on 4. Do ten of these, and you'll agree it’s the wo... ...more

Exicon ,Arms &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Worst Merkin Ever

Worst Merkin Ever

Worst Merkin Ever ...more

Exicon ,Arms

June 30, 20240 min read

World War II sit-up

World War II sit-up

World War II sit-up ...more

Exicon ,Mary &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

World War I Snow Angel

World War I Snow Angel

World War I snow angel ...more

Exicon ,Mary &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

World War I Sit-Up

World War I Sit-Up

World War 2 sit-up ...more

Exicon ,Mary &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Wooly Worm aka Inch Worm.

Wooly Worm aka Inch Worm.

Wooly Worm aka Inch Worm. ...more

Exicon ,Core &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Wood Chopper

Wood Chopper

Wood Chopper ...more

Exicon ,Full Body

June 30, 20241 min read

Wojo Squats

Wojo Squats

Wojo Squats ...more

Exicon ,Legs

June 30, 20240 min read

WMD Crawl

WMD Crawl

WMD Crawl ...more

Exicon ,Arms &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read



WMD ...more

Exicon ,Arms

June 30, 20240 min read

Wing Nut

Wing Nut

Wing Nut ...more

Exicon ,Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Windshield Wipers

Windshield Wipers

Windshield Wipers ...more

Exicon ,Mary &Core

June 30, 20240 min read



Windmill ...more

Exicon ,warmup &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Wilt Chamberlains

Wilt Chamberlains

Wilt Chamberlains ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20240 min read

Wilson's Wife

Wilson's Wife

Wilson's Wife ...more

Exicon ,Arms &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

When Animals Attack

When Animals Attack

Mark off an area (kill zone). All PAX must remain in the area at all times. One PAX (the attacker or "it") starts in one corner, while all the other PAX start in the opposite corner. Assume the bear c... ...more

Exicon ,Routine &Full Body

June 30, 20241 min read

Wheel of Merkin

Wheel of Merkin

Grab a piece of curb and start in an incline plank position. Perform a set number of reps in each merkin position before rotating to the next. Begin with an incline merkin. Then, rotate 90 degrees clo... ...more

Exicon ,Arms

June 30, 20241 min read

Wheel of Animal Walk

Wheel of Animal Walk

Wheel of Animal Walk ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20240 min read

Whamo lunge walks

Whamo lunge walks

Whamo lunge walks ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20240 min read



Werewolf ...more

Exicon ,Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Welsh Dragons

Welsh Dragons

Welsh Dragons ...more

Exicon ,Arms &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Welcome Party

Welcome Party

Welcome Party ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20240 min read

Weezy Jefferson

Weezy Jefferson

Weezy Jefferson ...more

Exicon ,Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Weekend at Bernie's

Weekend at Bernie's

Weekend at Bernie's ...more

Exicon ,Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read



Webbicide ...more

Exicon ,Cardio &Run

June 30, 20240 min read

We're Not Worthy

We're Not Worthy

Everyone remembers Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World: "We're not worthy, we're not worthy." With arms extended outward, lower and raise your arms. Okay, okay, it's a front raise. But this is F3! It's... ...more

Exicon ,Arms Coupon &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Wave of Merkins

Wave of Merkins

Wave of Merkins ...more

Exicon ,Arms Mary &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Water Wheel

Water Wheel

Water Wheel ...more

Exicon ,Legs &warmup

June 30, 20240 min read

War Hammer

War Hammer

War Hammer ...more

Exicon ,Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Walmart Burpee

Walmart Burpee

The burpee’s discount-store cousin, where the fun is dialed back. Start by dropping into a squat like a normal burpee, but continue all the way down to your back, rolling onto your shoulder blades. Ro... ...more

Exicon ,Legs Arms &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Walls of Jericho

Walls of Jericho

Walls of Jericho ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20240 min read

Wall Worms

Wall Worms

Wall Worms ...more

Exicon ,Arms &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Wall Conveyor

Wall Conveyor

Wall Conveyor ...more

Exicon ,Arms Mary Routine &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read




Exicon ,Legs &Mary

June 30, 20240 min read

Walk Like An Egyptian

Walk Like An Egyptian

Walk Like An Egyptian ...more

Exicon ,Legs &Routine

June 30, 20241 min read

Vicious circle

Vicious circle

Vicious circle ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20241 min read



Vertigos ...more

Exicon ,Cardio &Run

June 30, 20240 min read

Van Goghda

Van Goghda

Van Goghda ...more

Exicon ,Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Vacuum Cleaners

Vacuum Cleaners

Vacuum Cleaners ...more

Exicon ,Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

V-Up Roll Up

V-Up Roll Up

Performed in a 4-count cadence, this exercise is best known from P90X's Ab Ripper. Start by lying flat with your arms extended above your head. Perform a full sit-up and touch your toes. As you return... ...more

Exicon ,Legs &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Uptown 50

Uptown 50

Uptown 50 ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20241 min read

Upright Row

Upright Row

Upright Row ...more

Exicon ,Arms &Coupon

June 30, 20240 min read

Up Straddle Hop

Up Straddle Hop

Up Straddle Hop ...more

Exicon ,Legs

June 30, 20241 min read

Up downs

Up downs

Up downs ...more

Exicon ,Legs &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read



Underdog ...more

Exicon ,Arms

June 30, 20240 min read

Ultimate Frisburpee

Ultimate Frisburpee

Ultimate Frisburpee ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20241 min read

Ultimate Football

Ultimate Football

Ultimate Football ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20240 min read



UHaul ...more

Exicon ,Arms &Coupon

June 30, 20240 min read

Twinkle Toes

Twinkle Toes

Twinkle Toes ...more

Exicon ,Legs

June 30, 20240 min read

Twin Tower of Trust

Twin Tower of Trust

Twin Tower of Trust ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20241 min read



Twerkin ...more

Exicon ,Full Body

June 30, 20241 min read

Turn and Bounce

Turn and Bounce

Turn and Bounce ...more

Exicon ,warmup &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Turkish Get Up

Turkish Get Up

Turkish Get Up ...more

Exicon ,Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Turk n Burp

Turk n Burp

Turk n Burp ...more

Exicon ,Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

Tunnel of Love

Tunnel of Love

Tunnel of Love ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20240 min read

Triple Nickel

Triple Nickel

Triple Nickel ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20240 min read

Triple Check

Triple Check

Triple Check ...more

Exicon ,Cardio Core &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read



Travoltas ...more

Exicon ,Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Travolta Merkins

Travolta Merkins

Travolta Merkins ...more

Exicon ,Arms &Core

June 30, 20240 min read

Tour de Humpers

Tour de Humpers

Tour de Humpers ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20240 min read

Tortoise and the Hare B.O.M.B.S.

Tortoise and the Hare B.O.M.B.S.

Tortoise and the Hare B.O.M.B.S. ...more

Exicon ,Routine

June 30, 20240 min read

Top Gun

Top Gun

Top Gun ...more

Exicon ,Arms Coupon &Routine

June 30, 20240 min read

Tooth Fairy

Tooth Fairy

Tooth Fairy ...more

Exicon ,Arms &Full Body

June 30, 20240 min read

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