Start in high plank position, perform merkin, the tough left knee, merkin, right knee, merkin left foot, merkin, right foot, merkin, stretch left, merkin stretch right, merkin, inch worm back, stand u... ...more
Exicon ,Arms Coupon &Core
November 11, 2024•0 min read
Lay on six with leg straight out and hands behind head. Lift torso like doing a crunch while bringing one knee to meet elbows with the other leg remaining straight. Return to original position and rep... ...more
Exicon ,Core
October 18, 2024•0 min read
The Q plays "Love is All You Need" by The Beatles. Hold crunch position (supine with elbows and knees touching) throughout the song. Perform Big Boy Sit Up for every "Love" in the song. ...more
Exicon ,Music &Core
October 18, 2024•0 min read
The Dirty Dog is a leg and core exercise. It is performed by being on all fours and executed one leg at a time. From the starting position the leg is raised to be parallel to the ground and then broug... ...more
Exicon ,Core
October 18, 2024•0 min read
You perform the exercise on a 4 count. First count is the upward motion of the jane fonda, second count is the downward motion, but you suspend your leg without touching the ground. The third count is... ...more
Exicon ,Legs Core &Full Body
September 16, 2024•0 min read
LBC with both legs bent/laid to one side (like a dead zombie). Then repeat for other side. ...more
Exicon ,Mary &Core
June 30, 2024•0 min read
The zebra kick is all about the gluteus maximus. From plank, bend your knee to 90 degrees and kick skyward. High reps, imagine your heel busting up the chops of a lioness. ...more
Exicon ,Legs &Core
June 30, 2024•0 min read
Lie on your back with your legs and arms extended in an 'X' position. On count 1, simultaneously lift your left leg and right arm to meet above your core, keeping both as straight as possible while to... ...more
Exicon ,Mary &Core
June 30, 2024•1 min read
That’s right, it can ALWAYS be worse! Done in cadence: start with a Crucible Merkin on 1, a Wercan on 2, a regular Merkin on 3, and a Diamond Merkin on 4. Do ten of these, and you'll agree it’s the wo... ...more
Exicon ,Arms &Core
June 30, 2024•0 min read
Wooly Worm aka Inch Worm. ...more
Exicon ,Core &Full Body
June 30, 2024•0 min read
Everyone remembers Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World: "We're not worthy, we're not worthy." With arms extended outward, lower and raise your arms. Okay, okay, it's a front raise. But this is F3! It's... ...more
Exicon ,Arms Coupon &Core
June 30, 2024•0 min read
Performed in a 4-count cadence, this exercise is best known from P90X's Ab Ripper. Start by lying flat with your arms extended above your head. Perform a full sit-up and touch your toes. As you return... ...more
Exicon ,Legs &Core
June 30, 2024•0 min read
The Grateful Dead (aka Dancing Bear) ...more
Exicon ,Core &Full Body
June 30, 2024•1 min read
Freddy Mercuries while holding up a coupon, rock, or ram. ...more
Exicon ,Coupon &Core
June 30, 2024•0 min read
Aka the bicycle sit-up. Alternate extending legs and arms in a bicycling motion during the sit-up. ...more
Exicon ,Core
June 29, 2024•0 min read
AKA Zelensky Twist or Russian Twist While on six in partial sit up position with heals just off the ground, twist at the waist so that both hands held together almost touch the ground beside your wais... ...more
Exicon ,Mary &Core
June 27, 2024•0 min read