Pump Jack

Pump Jack

June 30, 20241 min read

Pump Jack

Pax pair up and get in plank position. The Q chooses a number of merkins (we use 5) per set. Pax 1 does 5 merkins while pax 2 planks, then switch. Continue alternating merkins and planking until one pax in the pair reaches merkin failure. After failure each pair gets up and lunge walks in circles around the other pax pairs until the last team reaches failure. The pairs must encourage and push each other and then encourage others while lunge walking. Last team to fail wins. Named pump jack because all the pax going up and down during merkins looks like a field full of oil wells with pump jacks, and you are pumped when it is over. Proper merkin form must be used by all. With an uneven number of pax the Q does merkins on his own.

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